berries and creme

mixed berries is one of my favorite desserts...served with a little butter cookie of course!  it is a simple, quick and healthy way to get a bit of sweet at the end of a meal.  sometimes i add bit of agave sweetened creme fraiche.....

1 box of organic strawberries
1 box of blue berries
1 box of raspberries
1 box of black berries
butter cookies (optional)
4 ounces of creme fraiche (usually sold in the cheese section by the cream cheese)
3-4 tablespoons of agave
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
a small mixing bowl and a colander


-wash berries and dry in a colander
-measure creme fraiche, agave, and cinnamon

-slice strawberries

cooking (really just mixing together):
-mix berries together
-in a small bowl mix creme fraiche, agave, and cinnamon to taste

plate berries and drizzle creme over the berries and serve....


1 comment:

  1. I love that you used creme fraiche instead of whipped cream here. Great idea!
